Username: adamhut08
2. How Will You Help out: i will help new people with stuff and keep people from not breaking the rules
3. Why should we pick you:good i can keep this server safe and im on almost 24.7
4. Can You Code: no but ill learn fast
5. Have you ever had experience as a staff: yes im a mod on club penguin lol
6. Tell what makes this server great:the staff is awesome everyone on the server is nice and it just pwns
7. Are you active in the forums?: Yes
8. How long have you been playing?: a while now
9. What level are you?: 155
10.proof of experience as a staff(screenshot,video): no
11. Any other comments?: this server rocks
12. Would anyone recommend you for staff?:probably i have a lot of friends who told me i should be staff
12. What position would you like? any staff member