If you are going to apply PLEASE USE THIS FORMAT!!! We have recieved many applications that is not on the right format so please use it that is why we made it. Here are the requirements:
To apply for an Administrator Spot:
30 posts or higher
Must have played the game for atleast 6 days or more
Must be a moderator
To apply for moderator or Administrator you must copy and paste this format:
1. Username:
2. How Will You Help out:
3. Why should we pick you:
4. Can You Code:
5. Have you ever had experience as a staff:
6. Tell what makes this server great:
7. Are you active in the forums?:
8. How long have you been playing?:
9. What level are you?:
10.proof of experience as a staff(screenshot,video):
11. Any other comments?:
12. Would anyone recommend you for staff?:
13. What do you think admins can do?