This tutorial was requested by a few people so I decided to make it.
I made this tutorial as clear as possible, so if you still need help, post it below and I'll answer your question.
Okay, I'm just going to teach you how to make a siggy like mine. After you know how to make one like mine, you should be able to make different types of signature's other than mine.
This is the result:
1) Click File>Create New. Set the settings like mine:
2) Now, click the Brush tool, and fill the background all Black (You may change the color later, but just set it to black)
3) Now get some custom brushes and fill the background with it. Just click anywhere ONCE with ONE brush, then select a different brush and click ONE time again anywhere. Do this 3 times.
This is where to get brushes just click one of the pictures and download it. When you are done downloading the brushes, go to your Adobe Photoshop Cs4 folder, click App>Photoshop>Presets>Brushes. Then drag and drop the brushes into the Brushes folder. Then click the Brush icon in Adobe Photoshop, and do this:
When you click the Brush Icon, there is a little arrow next to it, click it
Now click another little arrow.
Now,select Load Brushes, and browse for the brushes you downloaded. They are in the folder that you dragged it to, Adobe Photoshop cs4>App>Photoshop>Presets>Brushes
Make sure you know what's the name of the brushes you downloaded, or remember it.
4) This is how mine look like:
5) Okay, now Duplicate the layer
6) Select another custom brush and click once anywhere.
7) Duplicate the layer again, select a brush and click once anywhere.
Okay now, create a new layer and fill the whole thing with black.
Be sure to set the opacity to 72%. If you see light gray streaks, don't color over them.9) Drag the Layer that you just created (black one) and drag it underneath the Two Layers that you put brushes on.
Now this is how it should look:
The Black Layer should look like this
10) Okay, now you should get a result like mine.
You see how I have unique patterns, well if you see them DO NOT color over them or it won't look as good.
Now copy and paste the picture that you want to put on the background. Go to File>Open and load up the picture you want to use. Don't worry about loosing your background, everytime you Open or create a New project, it opens up in Tabs, so you can just go back. It's like Firefox, where you can open up tabs
Select this tool:
And drag from one corner to another to cut out the image, if it's from BHO.
Press CTRL Copy and Paste it to your background.
Here is how it looks now:
11) When you copy and paste the picture, it will be a New Layer. Right click the layer, and select Blending Options.
12) Set the settings like mine, so it comes out with a nice fade.
13) Now just type your text or whatever anywhere. The text will also be a new layer.
14) If you want a little outline for your text (so it could stand out more) , right click the Text Layer and select Blending Options. Then look for the tab called Stroke. You can choose how big you want the outline to be, and what color.
*On your background Layers, you can set it so it has a Soft Light.
*To get a nice background, download Abstract Brushes.
Here are the ones I use:
If you need any help, post below.