1. Username:
2. How Will You Help out:i will help out by being a perfect role models for people just starting out and advertsie to every website to get more people to join
3. Have you ever had experience as a staff:yes on ch3rryscape.no-ip.biz but ti got shut down
4. Tell what makes this server great:this server has great customs staff and lvling up
5. Are you active in the forums?:yup im on a lot
6. How long have you been playing?: 2 weeks
7. What level are you?:119
8.proof of experience as a staff(screenshot,video):none
9. Any other comments?: i think i would be good for mod becouse i was a conflict medator and i can handle any problem and im good with computers so i can help with people having trouble downloading and extracting it
10. Would anyone recommend you for staff?:davy, haseo